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Your heart's health at your fingertips

Check your heart rhythm with the smartphone app. Get immediate and actionable results. Detect irregularities, prevent strokes. It only takes 1 minute to put your mind at ease. 




How it works

Get the app

Easy. Quick. Reliable.
  • Get the app
    Test your heart rhythm in just 60 seconds. Put your mind at rest by holding your finger over the camera on your smartphone.

    Download the app and make an account

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How FibriCheck measures your heart rhythm

  • How FibriCheck measures your heart rhythm

    FibriCheck uses a different measurement technique. The medical application does not focus on the electrical impulses themselves, but on the effect that your beating heart has on your blood vessels. With each heartbeat blood flows from the heart in the blood vessels. These waves of blood put pressure on the blood vessel walls and cause them to stretch temporarily. So with each pulse / heartbeat, the diameter of your blood vessels ‘enlarges’, in between two beats the blood vessel ‘shrinks’ back to its original size.

    The FibriCheck app illuminates your fingertip with the flash of the camera of your smartphone and measures the difference in light absorption over time. When the blood vessels are filled with blood right after a heartbeat the absorption will be high. In between heartbeats the amount of blood in the vessels decreases and absorption will be lower. The result of this measurement is called a photophlethysmogram or PPG.

    The big advantage of this technique is that all you would need to check your heart rhythm is a smartphone with a camera and flash. So no need to buy additional hardware or devices.

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How to perform a good measurement?

  • How to perform a good measurement?
    How do you execute a measurement?
    Whatch the instructional video HERE!

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What's the next step?

Let's do this!

  • Let's do this!
    In case it wouldn't work, you can always type in the following code instead: EY2020
    Attention, you do not need to download a QR reader, the QR code is scanned via the camera of your iPhone via the FibriCheck.
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What's next?

  • What's next?
    Your FibriCheck period ends after 7 days. You will then receive a report with information about your hearth rhythm, sent to your registered e-mail address. With this report you can go to your doctor, in case the report suggests it's necessary. 
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Heart rate versus heart rhythm

Your heart rate: changes throughout the day

Your heart works like a pump: its contractions push blood throughout your body. Your heart rate is the number of times your heart contracts (beats) per minute. This is often expressed in BPM – ‘beats per minute’.

A heart rate varies from person to person. It also changes throughout the day. Are you sitting, lying or sleeping? Then your heart beats about 60 to 100 times per minute. Despite the fact it depends on many factors, your heart rate ‘in rest’ is fairly stable. But during exercise or stress, the rate automatically increases. Your heart ‘knows’ it has to pump extra oxygen and nutrients through the body.

Your heart rhythm: as regular as possible

Your heart rhythm is the rhythm at which your heart beats. It will learn whether those beats come regular (or not). Suppose you have a heart rate of 80, then your heart should beat every 0,75 seconds. Your heart rate varies constantly. But your heart rhythm should remain regular throughout the day.
An unregular heart rhythm is what we call a heart rhythm disorder. Occasionally your heart can skip a beat, this is called an ectopic beat. Or your heartbeats follow each other rapidly during a short period of time and then slow down again.

More info

Why you should check your heart rhythm regularly

  • Why you should check your heart rhythm regularly

    The adverse consequences of cardiac arrhythmias

    Does your heart ever skip a beat? Do you sometimes experience palpitations? Then please pay attention. Cardiac arrhythmias are not (always) harmless. The irregular pumping of the heart causes blood clots in the heart’s chambers. These blood clots can end up in your bloodstream and cut off the blood flow when they get stuck in your blood vessels. As a result the specific organ no longer receives vital oxygen. In case of a pulmonary embolism for example, a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in the lungs, a stroke means there’s a blockage in the brain.

    Detecting cardiac arrhythmias: a real challenge

    A healthy heart rate is no guarantee for a healthy heart rhythm. But how do you know if you suffer from a heart rhythm disorder? Since cardiac arrhythmias are vicious critters, that proofs to be quite challenging…

    1. A disturbed heart rhythm can come and go.
    Palpitations do not always persist for a long time. You may experience symptoms, book an appointment with your GP or cardiologists and have a perfectly normal heart rhythm while lying on the examination table. Nothing seems to be wrong at that time. Seems, indeed. Quite a frustrating experience.

    2. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all that suggest a disturbed heart rhythm.
    Four out of ten people with a cardiac arrhythmia experience no symptoms at all and therefore simply do not know. Until something goes terribly wrong …

    FibriCheck: your daily checkup

    Arrhythmias can develop quite suddenly. A regular, quick diagnosis and appropriate treatment significantly reduce the risk of serious complications.
    That’s where FibriCheck comes in. The medically certified app checks your heart rhythm on your smartphone, wherever and whenever you want.
    Create the habit to check yourself twice a day using the app. Do you feel any symptoms? Then perform an additional measurement. In case of irregularities you can easily share all findings with your treating physician. This way he/she gets an accurate picture of your condition. Regularly checking your heart rhythm can save your life.
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Sarah Weyers

HR Communications & Well-being Program Manager
Sarah Weyers
  • Sarah Weyers
    You can contact Sarah in case of questions related to the EY Well-being program.

    Sarah Weyers | HR Communications & Well-being Program Manager

    EY Core Business Services BV
    De Kleetlaan 2, 1831 Diegem, Belgium

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